Good quality ingredient with beneficial nutrients
Sweet Potatoes in dog food
Not a true potato at all, the sweet potato is nutritionally quite different from common potatoes. It contains much more fibre, it is an fantastic source of vitamin A, and is also rich in vitamins C and B6 and several minerals.
It is also much higher in sugar than common potatoes but despite this, recent studies have shown that sweet potatoes might actually be beneficial for diabetics since they can help to stabilize blood sugar levels and lower insulin resistance.
For both humans and dogs, sweet potatoes are generally regarded as a very high quality carbohydrate source.
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Zendog •one year ago
But why are we feeding dogs sweet potato at all? This article states .... "Starch is the main type of carbohydrate found in commercial dry foods and mainly comes from cereal grains such as wheat, barley, corn, rice and soy, which are used by a lot of kibble companies. However, studies have shown that grains can have an inflammatory effect in our dogs. Starch is also found in root vegetables such as potato, sweet potato and cassava, as well as in legumes such as lentils, beans and dried peas. So just because a kibble claims to be 'grain-free', it certainly does not mean that it doesn't contain carbohydrates (or sugar). Beneficial carbohydrates in dog food Non-starchy carbohydrates are foods like our fresh fruits and above-ground vegetables, which are great sources of phytonutrients and fibre that support the health of our dogs." I'm sick of "bulk" in dog food being passed off as healthy carbs. (There are far healthier sources of carbs which also provide valuable nutrients and have antioxidant properties which are extremely important and beneficial to all round health). The truth is its used because it's cheap and has taken the place of rice as the cheap filler in dog food.