
Hi All,

On Monday I ordered some ‘Tiddlers’ (small dried fish) for my dog from this website which is operated by Ocado.

My dog has suffered from pancreatis in the past, so I’m particularly choosy about the fat content in his food. The composition on fetch.co.uk stated the fat content was 4.2 so I went ahead and bought some.

Over the past two days, I’ve been giving them to my dog and I’ve just realised the nutritional breakdown differs on the back of the packet, stating the fat content is in fact 24% - six times the amount stated on fetch.co.uk. Other small fish treats I’ve seen have had around the same fat content (in the 20s) so I have avoided these previously.

I’m absolutely disgusted at the lack in duty of care taken in ensuring the correct breakdown was provided online and have already called Ocado in relation to this. I’m also pretty worried, as my dog never gets food with more than 6% fat in owing to almost losing him the pancreatis a couple of years ago.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Many thanks.

Hello and welcome to the forum. Are these the Tiddlers to which you refer? Regarding the misleading information on the Fetch website, I think it is good that you have contacted the company about this. Hopefully someone in authority will pick it up and amend the information. It is a reminder to us all to read the ingredient list carefully.

Fish4Dogs sell them too and according to their website, the fat content is 2.4%. They have 8% moisture so if my calculation is correct, the dry weight fat content is 2.60.

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Hi Dottie, many thanks for the info and warm welcome. Not entirely sure I understand the moisture bit. Does this mean there is only 2.4% fat contained? If not, it’s extremely worrying that Ocado can allow for such a huge mistake - especially to the detriment of dogs with pancreatitis such as mine.

Thanks again,


We have a thread on calculating dry weight of dog food here. It is used to compare nutrients in dry and wet food. The calculation is already done on the individual products in the Dog Food Directory and can be seen on the dry matter dials below the description.

There is a thread on pancreatitis here.

Please could you let us know the outcome of your complaint? I would be interested to know what the company have to say.

Hi Dottie,

Many thanks for the calculator. If the calculations were correct, it means the fat content is slightly higher.

Unfortunately, Fetch.co.uk have failed to get back to me, which suggests they aren’t that bothered about what the effects have. I’ve emailed both the CEO (so the executive office) and the customer services team thus far. I called them prior to this and they said they would get back yesterday. They didn’t.

I’ll obviously never use Ocado or any of its partners again.



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