Updated 02 Jun 2023
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Pedigree Adult Dry Review

Type of food

Complete dry extruded

Dog types

Pet dogs

Breed sizes

Suitable for toy breed dogs
Adult weight 1-4kg. e.g. Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Yorkshire Terrier
Suitable for small breed dogs
Adult weight 4-10kg. e.g. Beagle, Dachshund, Jack Russell
Suitable for medium breed dogs
Adult weight 10-25kg. e.g. Border Collie, Staffie, Springer, Vizsla
Suitable for large breed dogs
Adult weight 25-45kg. e.g. Boxer, Labrador, Greyhound
Suitable for giant breed dogs
Adult weight 45kg+ e.g. Bernese, Great Dane, Mastiff

Dog ages

From 12 months to 7 years

Pack sizes

3kg & 12kg bags


12kg bags = £27.99

AADF rating


At a glance

Natural: Free from added artificial preservatives, antioxidants, colourings, flavourings or other controversial synthetic ingredients
Not high in meat: Contains less than 30% meat ingredients (on a dry matter basis) or meat percentage is unspecified
Not hypoallergenic: Contains wheat, maize, dairy products, soya products and/or artificial additives or has an ingredient list that is too unclear to rule out their presence
Not clearly labelled:

It is difficult to tell exactly what is in this food due to a lack of labelling clarity.

Certified nutritionally complete: This food complies fully with the complete food nutrient tolerances as recommended by FEDIAF and/or AAFCO

Price per day


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Mixing bowl:

Cereals, Meat and Animal Derivatives 18% (Including 4% Chicken in the Brown Kibbles), Oils and Fats (Including Sunflower Oil 0.4%), Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (Including Dried Beet Pulp 3%), Minerals, Vegetables (Including 0.5% Dried Carrot), 1% Dried Peas.

As fed (BETA):

Nutritional additives (per kg)

Vitamin D3 1500 mg, Vitamin E 100 mg, Copper (Copper II Sulphate Pentahydrate) 6.9 mg, Iodine (Potassium Iodide) 1.7 mg, Manganese (Manganous Sulphate, Monohydrate) 31.5 mg, Selenium (Sodium Selenite) 0.29 mg, Zinc (Zinc Sulphate, Monohydrate) 89.3 mg.

Typical Analysis

Protein 21.0%, Fat 11.0%, Fibre 2.7%, Ash 6.6%.


363.0 kcal/100g

Dry weight nutrients

Above average


Below average

* NFE carbohydrate level (i.e. not including fibre). Level estimated from available data.


12kg bags RRP


Grams per day


Cost per day


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Company info
Name: Pedigree Petfoods
HQ: Melton Mowbray, UK
Parent company: Mars
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Manufacturer's product description

" At PEDIGREE, we believe that every dog deserves a loving home, and that every dog deserves leading nutrition. From over 40 years\' experience, we believe that dogs have four universal needs: Skin & Coat, Immune system, Digestion and Dental Care. That\'s why the dry bags of PEDIGREE VITAL PROTECTION are designed to deliver nutrition that addresses these four needs: the products help support a strong immune system, healthy skin and coat, good digestion, and also help to clean your dog\'s teeth. PEDIGREE VITAL PROTECTION helps keep your dog healthy and full of vitality.

Dental Care - Every dog deserves a happy, healthy mouth. Dogs live their life through their mouths, so keeping their teeth & gums healthy is critical for them. That\'s why we\'ve added an active ingredient to our kibbles that helps to prevent the build up of tartar, plus they have a specially designed texture that helps clean your dog\'s teeth.

Digestion - Every dog deserves a healthy tummy. Our recipes contain natural fibres that help with healthy digestion, and high quality protein that is gentle on your dog\'s stomach

Skin & Coat - Every dog deserves to look and feel healthy. Our recipes are specially formulated with the key essential oils that will help nourish your dog\'s skin and coat.

Immune System - Every dog deserves a strong immune system. Dogs like to sniff around and explore everything. But rest assured, our recipes contain vitamin E, an antioxidant, and minerals that are key to help in supporting a strong immune system. "


29 Comments AADF Privacy Policy Sign in to comment
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Nicky Lindley 2 years ago

As one of the worlds largest dog food companies, you would think Pedigree could come up with something that scores higher than a VEGAN product!! Wouldn't feed it ANY animal, wild or domesticated.

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Oggysden 6 years ago

there are some sensible points being put on both sides of this argument but unfortunately far too many allegations and claims that are nonsensical and laced with emotion and bias.It is absurd to suggest hat Pedigree Chum is causing a large percent of middle age dogs to have health issues - where is your EVIDENCE - and you are going to need a lot of it to substantiate that sort of point !

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Jeff String 9 years ago

I have some very loyal customers using 'gentle' dog food and they appreciate the difference that a quality food makes to a dog. It actually features on this excellent place of Food Safety

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LocalNumberFife 9 years ago

I sell dog food - and Pedigree is one of the many many foods that I would not recommend and I won't carry it, nor will I supply it.Junk pet food is like junk human food - many consumers seem to thrive on it but eventually, in nearly all cases, the toxins and poor ingredients take their toll especially in middle age, when a whole raft of health issues develop which usually cannot be cured, and too often, expensive medication and veterinary treatment is required to alleviate these conditions!There are many good quality foods out there and I fully support raw feeding when it's done correctly, however please take some time to read up on what is actually IN the food by reading the list of contents in the bag. Once you've done that, then the more difficult bit is to work out what important stuff is missing from the food, however this is where this site - or an independent dog food supplier can help you..I have some very loyal customers using 'gentle' dog food and they appreciate the difference that a quality food makes to a dog. It actually features on this excellent site http://www.allaboutdogfood.... :-)You can see why there's a difference!.

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John h 10 years ago

This is for Lee Cooper, humans are on this planet as a superior race, therefore some have a higher IQ, than others, and accept responsibility as second nature, the welfare of an animal must be paramount above all. the food it is being served must be understood, and that chemicals can KILL!!

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joy 10 years ago

Please listen to stan this man knows what he is talking about . I fed my german shepherd BAKERS & I know that it did eventually kill her ( broke my heart) BHA & BHT (preservatives) are the additives that are doing the damage . if you feed your dog twice a day a small amount of these poisons stay in the gut - 1 day not much damage if any , but multiply this over 7 days - a month - a year & this is where we start to have poorly dogs and visits to the vets . These companies use these things because they are cheap NOT because they care about our dogs ! FOR OUR DOGS SAKE TAKE NOTICE

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Lee Cooper 10 years ago

My two dogs love this product, they "woof" it up

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Stan Rawlinson Lee Cooper 10 years ago

May I suggest you read my article then you will understand why the dog "woofs" it up.
http://www.doglistener.co.u...Would you feed your kids on McDonalds for the rest of their lives?

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Lee Cooper Stan Rawlinson 10 years ago

Yeah I read the article you suggested, are you saying that my dogs have behaviour issues? because let me tell you now that they DO NOT!
Question, are you here just to "slag" everything off without even looking for the facts, because you seem to assume that my dogs have problems, they have been fed a balanced diet all their lives and are very healthy, I think your views are tainted and misdirected.
I will not be discussing this further as I am just a dog lover and thought this was a site for dog lovers.
I have no interest in these sort of malicious articles.

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Stan Rawlinson Lee Cooper 10 years ago

Do you think I make this up as I go along. Have you read the ingredients on which dog food? The facts are staring you in the face on the breakdown of ingredients. The food is not fit for purpose.
I have not assumed your dog has a behaviour problem I have stated that this food is full of junk and no sensible person would feed it after reading what was said on this page. It is a site for people who want to know what is good and bad for their dog. I am afraid you have not understood what this website is for.

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f4xtrafn Stan Rawlinson 9 years ago

Yes, you are making this up. I raised 6 dogs (4 shepards, 2 Mastiffs on Pedigree and they were all healthy and lived 12 to 14 years which is normal). Now I use Acana adult with my Malamutes. Acana has a better reputation but these dogs aren't any healthier than my previous dogs. I've also used Kirkland Super Premium Adult (Lamb) with good results.
This is just another site for whiners.

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Stan Rawlinson f4xtrafn 9 years ago

Of course i am making this up. Why is it with Pedigrees millions do you imagine they have not sued me?
Type in Pedigree and Bakers dog food into Google. Who comes first in the World? That right me!. Why? because of the amount of people reading it.Type in Pedigree dog Food. I am 3rd in the World do you imagine they have never heard of me. What are you doing on this site if you do not believe what they have written about Pedigree? 0.6 out of 5 rating. Yes it is really good food because I fed my Mastiffs and Shepherds on it. You probably recommended it to all your mates. Second thoughts. Do you work for pedigree?Low meat content
Artificial additives
Unclear labelling
By-products / derivatives

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nikki Stan Rawlinson 9 years ago

I too have fed my dog (only had one then) on pedigree and bakers. She always had meat with hi life semi moist on a morning and kibble at early evening mealtime. She's never really liked kibble so I always used lots of different brands mixed together as she was so fussy. She used to leave her hi life too but I didn't want her on a wet meat only diet and she'd eat the other stuff eventually. I got my new dog earlier on this year and I decided I wanted them on the next best thing to raw so I started with my research on ALL dog foods and was absolutely horrified to find I'd given them pedigree and bakers. I can understand people feeding it to their dogs not knowing how bad it is, but to read how bad it is and then still defend a poisonous food like this is beyond belief!!! I swapped their hi life for iberico & greens platinum and the kibble they now have is Akela. They still have their gluten free tin of wet meat with their platinum on a morning. Their coats are glossy and silky to touch and my fussy female eats all of her meals now straight awat which has never happened before ever! If people have fed their dogs on pedigree and say they were healthy, all I can say is they could've been a heck of a lot more healthy had you not given them this terrible food! Dogs should be on a high meat, NO grain diet with few fruits and vegetables. Pedigree has more cereals than meats and doesn't even specify the exact ingredients in there. I like to know exactly what I'm feeding my dogs and akela, platinum and the dog meat mine have are very specific.

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Stan Rawlinson nikki 8 years ago

Totally agree. I think the areseholes that are promoting it are working for the company there is no other
logical answer.

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nikki Stan Rawlinson 8 years ago

You're probably right, they must work for the company or have very few brain cells! It's like giving your children McDonald's every single day and saying that they're are on a healthy nutritious diet and they will live long and healthy lives. Although the difference there is, at least my son thinks McDonald's tastes nice and has it from time to time as a treat, whereas my dog wouldn't touch pedigree with somebody else's!!!

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Oggysden nikki 6 years ago

They probably have a lot more brain cells than most on account of the fact you usually require a degree from a top university and further professional qualifications in Marketing to get a job with them.Of course none of that is especially relevant when being academic doesn't insulate you from be illogical and acting like an idiot or without morals...

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nikki Oggysden 6 years ago

I said they must work for the company OR have very few brain cells. In layman's terms that means they either have the education you are talking about or are less educated than most.
Maybe take your time in reading things in future and you might understand people's points a bit clearer 😕

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Oggysden Stan Rawlinson 6 years ago

People who own pets have a personal responsibility to do their own homework and make their own decisions NOT blame marketing people.

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Oggysden Stan Rawlinson 6 years ago

You are making illogical nonsensical points. Can I suggest you go away and study CRITICAL THINKING. Then maybe come back and put together a logical argument. You are just as bad as the marketing people in the big pet food companies although spectacularly less able...

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Stan Rawlinson Oggysden 6 years ago

In one post you say "People who own pets have a personal responsibility to do their own homework and make their own decisions NOT blame marketing people." in the next post you contradict yourself saying "You are just as bad as the marketing people in the big pet food companies"No W in points, I have put together a totally logical argument in my article about Pedigree and Bakers I have explained the ingredients and referenced all the nutritional experts including the owner of this site.You have not read the article I published that salient fact is very clear you are probably a Troll and I will not waste my valuable time on you any further.

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Oggysden Stan Rawlinson 6 years ago

No contradictions from me there.There are nutritionists that believe feeding most dogs grains is ok and those who do not. They both have scientific studies to back up their points but they are not sufficient to knock out the other.Similar for feeding animal and plant derivatives.This is not an unusual state of affairs when it comes ot professions or applying scientific method to get a better understanding of something.It is completely wrong and immoral to be claiming one side is correct and the other is not.The sensible thing is to say we dont know and encourage people to recognise it is ok to have an opinion or a preference either way but not to misrepresent the reality of the situation.Your claim that you must be right (near as dammit) because you haven't been sued is ignorant of how the law works and ILLOGICAL.

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Oggysden Stan Rawlinson 6 years ago

Pedigre Chum isnt mcdonalds is it ? Not remotely ...You are making idiotic illogical false equivalent claims.

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Stan Rawlinson Oggysden 6 years ago

Yes it is, are you aware of the words similes and metaphors? You have put words in this sentence that are totally illogical. For instance the word equivalent means " equal to or having the same effect as something else" How does that fit in with that sentence? I think you are trying to impress with uncommon words but unfortunately failing miserably. By the way how do you know I am making false claims. I am one of the top animal behaviourists in the UK and have written extensively on the effects of food affecting animal behaviour, especially food that has lots of Es in it. Type in Dog food and behaviour into Google I come first then type in Bakers and Pedigree I come first. Have you any idea how Kibble is produced? I would suggest you do some research before claiming any knowledge of a subject you clearly know nothing about. BTW you seem to believe academic qualifications are required to have an opinion. That is clearly untrue. Academic snobbery is the bane of public opinion, just look what is happening in our universities where statues are pulled down free speech is stifled and scientific works are decried because they do not fit in with the socialistic mantra

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Oggysden Stan Rawlinson 6 years ago

Publish your scientific research in a respected peer reviewed journal then we can talk about your claims to knowledge. It is irrelevant that you are an animal behaviourist (whatever that is) you are making specific scientific claims and you are going to need to prove them not appeal to authority = a fallacy, anecdotal evidence = a fallacy, emotion = a fallacy, appeal to personal incredulity = a fallacy etc..

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Stan Rawlinson Oggysden 6 years ago

Perhaps you could avail us of your qualifications and scientific background, I think that would be extremely interesting given that you do not even know what a dog behaviourist is?You really do post rubbish. The person who hosts this site is a nutritionist that worked in the pet food industry and explains why the food is bad. Yet you who appear to understand very little know better. Why did you not actually read my article that has peer reviewed scientific information and sites knowledge based information. I will repeat again hopefully not ad infinitum that Pedigree would have sued me if I quoted or stated untrue facts. This little post proves you are an idiot. a fallacy, anecdotal evidence = a fallacy, emotion = a fallacy, appeal to personal incredulity = a fallacy etc..etc etc etc. I have a picture of myself and i do not hide behind a false name. You on the other hand do. You can easily look up who I am and what I have written unlike Mr anonomous, Goodbye.

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Oggysden Stan Rawlinson 6 years ago

More logical fallacies.

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Doc MacIan Oggysden 5 years ago

Burger King is not MacDonald's either. But I am sure you might come down on the "for complete nutrition and a balanced diet, feed your children MacDonald's for breakfast lunch and dinner." If you want scary, find Gordon Spurlock's Super Size Me where he ate brek lunch and din din at McDonalds.The point the gentleman was making is most people think McDonalds is not good for you, i.e. junk food, even though made mostly with grain fed beef and real potatoes. The more I read about Pedigree (not just here) and MY Personal experience makes me think it is no good.

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Stan Rawlinson 10 years ago

The food on this page above is yet another food I recommend my clients steer clear of.. 2nd in the do not touch stakes only beaten to that prize by Bakers the very worst of all dog foods in my belief.Amazing there are people coming on o and praising \pedigree and bakers. Why? Given all the knowledge of what constitutes the ingredients of this dog food.

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